Our aim is to promote entrepreneurship & design for building urban intelligent design solutions. This network will exchange and share the knowledge acquired in the project to promote the benefits of urban environments re-naturalisation and resilience through the design of artefacts and processes based on biotechnology.
Participating entities:
Ecosistema Urbano https://ecosistemaurbano.com/
Ana Coello Paisaje Y Arquitectura http://www.anacoello.es/
IBUKU https://ibuku.com/
IE School of Architecture and Design https://www.ie.edu/school-architecture-design/
Terreform ONE https://www.terreform.org/
The Bartlett School of Architecture https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/architecture/
Self Assembly Lab https://selfassemblylab.mit.edu/
Olga Subirós Studio https://olgasubiros.com/
Fundació Mies Van Der Rohe https://miesbcn.com/
Universität Innsbruck https://www.uibk.ac.at/
The Royal Academy Of Fine Arts, School Of Architecture https://royaldanishacademy.com/
Faculty Of Architecture, University Of Porto https://sigarra.up.pt/up/en/web_base.gera_pagina?p_pagina=faup
Austrian Institute Of Technology https://www.ait.ac.at/en/
ecoLogicStudio https://www.ecologicstudio.com/
Be updated about successful intelligent living solutions for cities, investigating biological systems, creating prototypes based on information technology and digital manufacturing, collaborating among academia, public administration, SMEs and start-ups in the field of bio-tech, architecture and business.