Local River
This DIY fish-farm-cum-kitchen-garden is based on the principle of aquaponics coupled with the exchange and interdependence of two living organisms – plants and fish. The plants extract nutrients from the nitrate-rich dejecta of the fish. In doing so they act as a natural filter that purifies the water and maintains a vital balance for the eco-system in which the fish live. The same technique is used on large-scale pioneer aquaponics/fish-farms, which raise tilapia (a food fish from the Far East) and lettuce planted in trays floating on the surface of ponds.
Author(s): Mathieu Lehanneur
Year: 2008
Location: Adaptable
Web: http://www.mathieulehanneur.fr/project/local-river-127
Contact: studio@mathieulehanneur.com / +33 (0)1 40 13 00 90