3Dponics Inc., a technology lab based in Ottawa, Ont., created the first 3D-printable hydroponics system. After the team launched 3Dponics in summer 2014 and received support from all over the world, they realized the true power of this system in the hands of educators and students across Canada, the U.S. Europe and Asia.
This open-source hydroponics system is inexpensive and easy to 3D print, to set up and to operate. With it, students can grow their own fresh vegetables inside or outside the classroom. In building 3Dponics, students acquire knowledge crucial to have when entering a labour force that is driven by innovation.
Author(s): Michael Golubev
Year: 2014
Location: Adaptable
Web: https://www.3dponics.com/
Contact: info@3dponics.com